Goliath Triominos Deluxe

SKU: 021853044515

Bring your family game night to the next level with Goliath Triominos Deluxe! This set includes 56 high-quality, large tiles with numbers 0-6, making it the perfect way to take Triominos® to the next level. Have a blast watching the game pieces magically form new shapes every time you play!

Triominos is a game similar to Dominoes, in that players are laying tiles that match up to other tiles in the play area, with the goal to get points and be rid of tiles. In Triominoes, the pieces are triangles with numbers that are matched on each side. Each triangle has 3 numbers at the points, so to place a piece next to it, it must match two numbers on the side.

Pressman also released Quad-Ominos.

Game Play Time: 15 to 30 Minutes

# of Players: 2- 6 Players